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10 Reasons People Move Home

Aug 24, 2020

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Moving home can be a stressful, time consuming and costly process. This begs the question: "Why do so many people choose to move?" We explain the top 10 reasons why people decide relocating is the best option.

 1. Need more space

First time home buyers positioning themselves on the property ladder often outgrow their starter home. This means they might need to upsize to a larger house with plans to start a family.

 2. Upgrade

Deciding whether to improve your property or move to a new home entirely can be difficult. Becoming restless at home is a common problem, with many people getting itchy feet to upgrade to a bigger, more desirable home.

 3. New job

A new job can mean relocating to a different area if the commuting distance is simply too long. Maybe travelling from your current home to your new job is completely unfeasible.

 4. Empty nest

When the kids are all grown up and have moved out of the family home, many choose to downsize. Usually, they choose a smaller place as they no longer need all the extra space or the upkeep.

 5. Relationships

Choosing to move in with a partner is typically a significant stage in any relationship and is one of the main reasons people relocate. This often means that one partner needs to sell their house if both owned homes prior to the decision. On the other hand, break-ups can also result in moving home, as one person’s income may not be able to support the price of the home or one individual may need to buy the other out.

 6. Visit family more often

Living closer to the family can be very important and can be one of the key reasons people choose to move. As the family unit extends to several generations, parents want to be nearer their children. Grandparents want to see more of their children and grandchildren so they move closer.

 7. Catchment area for schools

More and more people are shifting to catchment areas where their children will be a higher priority for admission to their school of choice. Parents who are keen to send their child to a particular school may not fall within the specific catchment area in their current home, meaning many decide to relocate.

 8. Change of scenery or lifestyle

Those feeling unsettled in their current home or searching for a fresh start are most likely to uproot and move to a different location. Whether you want to move from the bright lights of the city to the peaceful countryside or vice versa, many decide that a change of scenery is the ideal option for them.

 9. Cost of running a house

A change of income or need to save money means many choose to relocate to an area where the running costs of a house are much lower. From the price of the house itself to rent or bills, the expense of owning and running a house can cause many to move to a different area.

 10. Changes in the surrounding area

Since originally moving into your current home, the neighbourhood might have significantly changed.  This might be due to economic, social or physical reasons. You may choose to relocate to an area where you feel much happier and more comfortable in your surroundings.