Jul 15, 2024
The maintenance of the humble nature strip can often create confusion between tenants (renters) and their landlords (rental providers). Best described as the strip of land between a residential pro
Mar 26, 2024
Whether you win or lose in an auction environment, your success rate depends on how you play the game. Employing smart strategies and displaying ongoing patience are two key steps to ensuring that
Oct 3, 2023
Hiring a property manager can be a smart decision for anyone who owns one or more rental properties. Whether you’re a first-time investor with one property or a long-term investor with a portfolio of
May 3, 2023
Changes in the property market, increases in the costs of living and rising interest rates can all contribute toward mortgage stress and while repayments on loans or everyday expenses may rise, there
Apr 14, 2023
One of the areas that can cause challenges when renting is the end of the tenancy. It can be a stressful time searching for a new home, packing, moving and then needing to clean and repair any damage
Nov 23, 2022
When it comes to owning an investment property, it is inevitable that at some point, things will go wrong, and disputes may arise between you and the tenants. A qualified and efficient property man
Oct 30, 2022
In choosing to purchase a property, you are investing in one of the biggest purchases in your lifetime. It is important when outlaying considerable finance for an essential purchase that you look for
Aug 30, 2022
Rising costs and tighter rental markets can mean that the cost of rent increases can prove challenging, especially if you need to be in certain areas for work, schooling or near to family or community